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In 2011 Mike Co-Founded StoryCode with Aina Abiodun. Formed out of the Transmedia NYC Meetup Group, StoryCode quickly took hold and grew into a chapter-based, global community of immersive and interactive media creators.

StoryCode embraces an open source ethos and at the core of the StoryCode movement is the willingness to make, experiment and participate in growing a broad and expansive discipline that will spawn new immersive experiences, stories and technologies.

StoryCode chapters convene events designed to educate, inform and connect creators of immersive and interactive stories. Mike organizes the New York City Chapter, curating presenters for an ongoing monthly forum series held at Film Society Lincoln Center. Mike also produces the Immersive Media Dispatch, a monthly newsletter highlighting new work in the space.

Select Press:
Washington Post, May 2012
Forbes, May 2012

StoryCode StoryCode StoryCode